Sunday, May 22, 2011

Alexander McQueen.

I don't know of any person that would deny McQueen was one of the single most creative designers of the century. I have always enjoyed watching his shows. His designs came across to me as raw and naturalistic. He took patterns and designs from nature and put them on clothes and shoes; simple as he could do it. That pertains to the summer 2010 collection. Sadly his last collection. Sarah Burton is doing a fine job but nobody will ever be as good as McQueen. Although I only found out who McQueen was in about 2006 from everything I have ever seen by him I consider spring/summer 03, fall/winter 09 and spring/summer 10 his best collections. I love 03 because he used so much nature. The oyster dress is one of the most amazing pieces I've ever seen. I love it! The fall/winter 09 collection was great all around! Everything from the soda can head piece, the feather cup and my favorite the woman wearing the jeweled armor piece which was from his spring 2000 collection. That show had it all. Houndstooth, red leather, heels, feathers, metal and big lips. Spring/summer 2010 out did everything else. I loved it all! The show transitioned so well in color and style it was like a dream. It began with green insect and jungle colors to more animalistic and then an aquatic masterpiece. All the shoes were amazing. The armadillo shoes were the greatest part. I did like the lobster and nail shoes but how can you resist such an amazing piece of art! Now for the grand finale. The picture above is of a glittery/snake skin suit that was work by Lady Gaga in her 'Bad romance' video. In my opinion they could have done better with her in the suit. Only a few minor things. Any way I love the suit! I think it needs to be put in a glass box and left in the Met forever! I could look at it all day! Speaking of the Met. I can not wait to go see 'Savage beauty' at the costume institute of the Metropolitan museum of art.


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