Monday, April 4, 2011

Skinny jeans.

Grey jeans, awesome red pumps from Aldo!

I have dedicated my first post to an epidemic that has wreaked havoc on the world for years. Skinny jeans… I just don’t like them. You should not wear skinny jeans unless you’re a woman. No exceptions and here is why. I like thin jeans that aren’t baggy but I could never wear jeans that stuck to my legs. Like my good friend Michele said “some guys can pass but most guys just look stupid in them.” On men skinny jeans don’t go with anything. If you wear skinny jeans then you have two options. A t-shirt or an equally tight knit shirt. Then you will look completely stupid. T-shirt and jeans have their time and place. Addressing the “scene” style. Just because you wear them does not mean you can act like you’re in a 90’s punk band. “The strokes” did it but you can’t. A very good friend of mine once told me “scene shouldn’t even be considered a style at all... At least to people who are old enough to drink.” 

Nudie 'Average Joe' jeans.

I own many pairs of jeans that fit like these! See you get that nice tailored look without having to squeeze yourself into an uncomfortable pair of extremely tight jeans.It's a win, win, win! 
Also these jeans are perfectly acceptable to wear with a t-shirt. 
In my opinion cuffed jeans are amazing so for me I never have to worry about length because I flip them over three and sometimes four times. So get rid of those awful skinny jeans and go for something like those they are only $199 at Nordstrom. "Ditch the zero and get with the hero!"


  1. i for a long time didn't think skinny are right for guys but that actually goes for super skinny only, the one that looks more like tights than pants, but skinny can be just a narrower version of straight leg which still looks good for a guy but not too tight, although in my opinion how the jeans or pants in general fit on the hips and thighs

  2. sorry my comment was cut in the middle as i was writing...
    cause if it fits nice and tight there than even a boot leg looks great. i like the Levi's 511 they called skinny but they still look good for a guy and fit really nice.
    btw i think Nudie is the best brand for that....
