1. I am obsessed with gladiator sandals; these are great! You can get these at Aldo (my favorite shoe store.) Very soft and light weight. I don't normally like shoes without a heel backing but these are great without it! Perfect for the beach or the pool. Or do like I do and wear them in places you shouldn't and enjoy all the funny looks people give you!
2. Bumble and Bumble has the most amazing hair products! I love to use their grooming cream with surf spray! It makes your hair look really good without a lot of time or effort! I hear people gloat about how expensive the products they use are. My hair looks better than theirs and all I spent was 30 dollars!
3. This surf spray by Bumble and Bumble is the only type of spray I have ever put in my hair. It works so great with the grooming cream. It gives it that relaxed just back from the beach look and feel. It's especially great for women with long blonde hair. In my opinion blonde hair is the only color that looks good with nothing done to it.

5. I enjoy cloth belts during the summer because they aren't as stiff and hot as a leather belt; they come in any color and design you can think of! This Paul Smith belt is especially great because it has a little leather and it's stripped! I love strips; Paul Smiths brand color!
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