The summer is coming to a end. It's sad to say but it's the truth! Going over some things that managed to attach themselves to my body this hot summer.
I fell in love with graphic tee shirts very early in the summer. It all started while aimlessly looking thru tumblr. I good friend of mine posted a picture of these two guys and one had on this shirt. The picture to the left is what is on the shirt. The shirt was a limited edition made by 'Eleven Paris'. As you can see it has Anna wintour and Karl Lagerfeld on it. I thought it was really interesting so I searched it, found it and bought it all within the first 20 minutes I knew it existed. It is wonderful! I really like white tee shirts so wearing this wasn't a big deal. The first time I wore it was with tan shorts and Gladiator sandals! It was perfect! I felt like the design on the shirt gave me a little bit of an interesting factor. In the sense there was something on me to read and look at. Anyways thought it was great, bought it, wore it, love it, recommend it while it is still available. It is in the close out on their sit so hurry!
I hope you had a fantastic, fun and fashionable summer!